August 22, 2019
admin 0 Comment Agenda 21, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Blind Spots, Bug Out, Conspiracy Theory, Deception, Facebook, Gaslighting, GMO, Google, Internet, Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems, Main Stream Media, Major Crisis, New World Order, NON GMO, One World Government, Open Borders, Organic, Quantum Computing, RISE OF THE MACHINES, Robots, selective information, Shadow Banning, SHTF Preparations, Terminator, United Nations, World Wide Web News, SHTF Preparations, UN Agenda 21 / 2030
People are so distracted these days, having a blind spot comes with the territory. For example; not recognizing the master plan to enslave humankind and to extract as much life-force out of the masses, before killing them off. If you think this is a Conspiracy Theory, you are missing to see the big picture. […]
February 21, 2019
admin 0 Comment Agenda 2030, Cheap Energy, Climate Change, Donald Trump, Free Market System, Freedom, Healthcare, Liberalism, Mass Migration, Schooling System, United Nations, United Nations Agenda 21 News, UN Agenda 21 / 2030
I continue to see posts from people who say: “UN Agenda 21 supporters are found in the republican and democrat side.” Let me say this upfront; this is a completely accurate statement. Yet, they miss to differentiate between the principle policies of the parties that support freedom and the policies that support the Agenda 21. […]
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